Monday, November 30, 2009

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

About a year ago my boyfriend cheated on me. Yes, I know, why are you still with him. Well anyways, I decided to fogive him and try to forget. But recently I made a myspace profile, and I ended up conversing with the other girl. We talked about what happened and how she didn't know he had a girlfriend at home, and just got everything out in the open. Well, now I cant stop thinking about what happened, or her. I mean, I want to listen to the same music as her, I think what would she do, excetra. This is so weird, I dont know why I feel this way. Is it my mind subconciously thinking that if I'm like her my boyfriend will love me more? It happened once between them, but I'm like obsessed with her. If she knew how much I looked at her profile, read everything and looked at pictures of her she would think I was a huge weirdo! Its not that I have a crush on her, she really is not attractive, which is another thing! I dont know what it is. I need help! What th h*ll is wrong with me??

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

Its not your fault that he cheated on you. Its his, plain and simple. He made the choice to sleep with someone else knowing that he had you at home.

Its worries me that he didn't mention that he had a gf when he was with the other girl, although she may not have slept with him had she known or maybe she would have!

Its okay that you are curious about her. Don't beat yourself up for wondering about what she's like. However the reason that your bf cheated has nothing to do with her being any more interesting, intelligent or beautiful then you. Its his issues that are at play here. Maybe he is afraid of commitment or maybe he was bored with the relationship. Who knows...

It would be healthy for you not to keep obsessing over this girl and really contemplate your happiness in your current relationship with your boyfriend. Is this relationship fulfilling all your needs? Does he make you happy and secure? Do you love him? Does he love you?

You need to realize your strengths and the things that are wonderful about you and find someone who will see those things in you.

Don't doubt yourself because of this other girl or because of your boyfriend not matter how hard that may be.

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

he did it once he'll probably do it again

the only thing that is wrong with you is that you stayed with a jerk like that

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

I think you should talk to your boyfriend about the fact that you are still not completely ok with his past does seem like you could be acting like the other girl to try to keep your boyfriend around....

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

It's apparent that you are obsessed about her because she was once with your boyfriend. You think you see something in her that your boyfriend must like that you don't have. You're feeling jealous of her too, probably.

You need to accept the fact that you are not her. Just be yourself. Try to take baby steps to not look at her profile. Soon enough, you won't care too much about her. To best clarify the situation, try talking it out to your boyfriend if he's understanding.

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

Nothing is wrong with you! I do think it's your minds way of trying to appeal more to your boyfriend. My first love cheated on me too, and I tried to forgive and forget but that following year was horrible. Things were never the same and I always thought, what made her so special?? I don't think you still need to be with him. Your mind will never let it go. Maybe she could be a really good friend for you! But as long as you and he are still together, it's just going to be hard to be yourself.

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

First of all your asking the wrong question! You need to ask "What the hell is wrong with him?" He cheats, you forgive, he gaines ur trust, then he cheats again. Im sorry hon, but you need to get out!

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

Nothing is wrong with you. You said it yourself, you're subconsciously thinking that if you're like her your boyfriend will like you more. At the same time you're probably just curious as to WHO this person is that could have caused your boyfriend to cheat, especially if you think he loves you alot. In your mind you want to know what she has that you dont, what characteristics make her so special that he had to cheat on you. If its bothering you that much have a talk with him, to me it sounds like you havent gotten over the cheating nor have you forgiven him. Just remember once a cheater...ALWAYS a cheater. You let him get away with it once, i can guarantee he will do it again.

Help with the other (unattractive) girl...?

Its called jealousy.

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