Saturday, November 28, 2009

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

Hello. I have another Yahoo screen name that I also wanted to use for MySpace, but I noticed another girl has taken it already. People think she's me and I'm her. Anyone else have this problem? Also, if she hasn't signed in, in a really long time, will they delete her account so I can use that screen name? Thanks.

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

Nothing like that has happened to me, I made a unique screen name so nothing like that can happen unless someone sees this and makes a profile with this screen name somewhere out of spite.

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

if she doesnt sign into myspace for a really really really long time i think the account is deleted. on yahoo it just goes idle but other poeple cant take the name. i havent had the problem myself so thats about all i can help with

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

hey how u doin....

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

Dunno, ran into that same issue. I just added some numbers to the end of my ID and it worked just fine.

Same screen name for Yahoo and MySpace?

the only way a myspace acct is deleted is if you delete it (or her in this matter) OR you could add spyware, get her code, and delete it yourself. just kidding. i was bummed, because there where so many Rios, so i added a CA, so everyone knew i was the California Rio, not the one in New Jersy people got me mixed up with. good luck.

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